Bimbisara is a ruthless emperor of Trigarala in 500 BC. In unexpected circumstances, Bimbisara travels in time and reaches the current day not knowing that a power-thirsty doctor Subramanya Sastry and Kethu are already waiting for him to come. Bimbisara has to deal with modern day hustle and bustle.
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Duration : 146 min
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Through the mirror, Bimbisara lands unconsciously in modern-day Hyderabad in 2022 inside a truck. The truck driver throws him out onto the road and leaves. Bimbisara wakes up but is perplexed by the modern-day world. He wanders in the city aimlessly, breaking into every mirror that he can find in the hope of returning to his world. He is taken to the police where SI Vyjayanthi and constable Prasadam try to use him to their advantage. Meanwhile, Kethu informs Shastri that Bimbisara has arrived, and they begin to search for him. Vyjayanthi and Bimbisara attend a conference where they find Vishwanandan Varma who claims to be a descendant of Bimbisara. They follow him to a place where Vishwanandan inaugurates Bimbisara's statue. A construction crane's beam is about to fall on Bimbisara, only to be saved by a girl, who is a look-alike of the girl whom he killed in the past.
Having a change of heart, Bimbisara befriends the girl and takes care of her. Shastri's men find him and kidnap the girl. Bimbisara thrashes them and rescues the girl, earning the trust of her grandfather Vishwanandan. Shastri then kills the girl's father and blackmails Bimbisara in arriving at the treasure's location. Shastri holds the girl's family as hostages and puts the girl on a deathbed. He demands Bimbisara to open the treasure and bring Dhanvantari to save the girl. A severe famine has gripped Trigartala. Devadutta reveals himself and decides to open the treasure. As the treasure door requires Bimbisara's handprint and voice to open, they start a Homam to circumvent it. Commander Bagheera decides to kill Devdutta and take over the kingdom.